Education Sector. 

GP Masonry has completed a large number of school projects since its inception. From additional class rooms to new build secondary schools we have a proven track record in delivering high specification projects to the highest quality.

Our site and support teams have vast experience in complex masonry support systems that are often key to the design of large educational facilities. We also have a broad knowledge of a variety of masonry products from brick and block to more bespoke projects like the Astraglaze used at Florence Brown School in Bristol.



We've helped build possible many schools, colleges and other educational establishments, these include:

  • All Saints Academy Cheltenham

  • East Anton School, Andover, Hampshire

  • Florence Brown School, Bristol

  • Ian Mikado School, London

  • Southampton Solent University - Sports Hall, Southampton, Hampshire

  • University of Chichester, Bognor Campus, Hampshire